McSwain and Beck interview the star of Lightmasters: Number 13, JESSICA T. WYRD

UPDATE: Starting today, 12/21/2012, and continuing through Christmas, 12/25/2012, LIGHTMASTERS: NUMBER 13 is FREE!

And now on to the interview…

Hang on to your hats folks, because this blog post is sure to be one roller coaster ride full of fun! You see, McSwain & Beck of the YA action-mystery, Gone at Zero Hundred 00:00, have decided to take a few moments away from their busy days of detecting, sleuthing, spying, or just plain being nosey, to have a chat with 13-year-old, Jessica T. Wyrd, the action, fantasy hero of the YA novel LIGHTMASTERS:  Number 13, created by author M.G. Wells.

Without further ado…

 Sydney Marie McSwain (18-years-old)

 McSwain: Hey Jessica, thanks for stopping by and giving Cody and I a crack at interviewing you first, before the paparazzi get wind of your notoriety regarding your exploits in Lightmasters: Number 13. It’s great to meet you.

Jessica: Thanks for having me. It’s cool to meet you, too!

McSwain:  I was drawn to your story because like me, you’re also living without parents. For those of you who don’t know, Jessica lost hers when she was twelve.

Jessica: That’s right. They were killed by a drunk driver. That’s when I was sent to live with my grandparents.

McSwain: Even though you were angry about losing your parents, and forced to move to a new location—which meant a new school and the struggle to make new friends—how did you keep from wallowing in self-pity?

Jessica: I don’t have time for self-pity. Well, maybe a little. I was more angry and sad though about having to move away from Georgia to New York. It was lonely living with my grandparents, and I felt nervous about my new school. I am kind of a loner, so it’s hard for me to find friends who get me. Also, most of the kids at school don’t like that I’m smart. They also tease me about my last name. This really bugs me.

McSwain: Before we get into any topics of the book, how have you been coping with the loss of your parents? It’s hard for me at 18, I can only imagine what it’s like for you.

Jessica: Truth is, I miss my father most. He was always so kind and gentle. My mother was cold and distant. I wish I had known her better. She wasn’t around very much. She spent most of her time teaching at the university.

                                                        Cody Beck (18-years-old)

Sydney: Sorry, Jessica, but my goofball friend, I mean partner at McSwain & Beck, wants to ask you a few questions. But be careful, he can be a wisenheimer.

Jessica: LOL

Beck: Hey Jessica, so tell me… what’s it REALLY like living with your gassy Grandparents, as you describe them?

Jessica:  At first, it was a freaking nightmare. The burping and farting was gross. My Grandmother’s cooking is so disgusting, and she can be too bossy sometimes. My Grandfather has a great sense of humor and reminds me of my father. After I got to know them better, I love and respect them for their humor and wisdom.

Beck: On your thirteenth birthday, a magnificent spiral light lit up outside your bedroom window.

What went through your mind when you left your room and followed the light into the forest? What did you think it was? Were you scared?

Jessica: A little. I was more intrigued and had to find out more about it.

Cody: You dealt with the mighty Torc, slithery serpents and numerous challenges on your way to Kiron in the fantastical Otherworld. Did they represent bullies to you, in real life? 

Jessica:  Yes, they did. Before he died, my father warned me about bullies and the need to stand up for myself. Even though Torc was scary, Dragateen and Bo were much kinder. Torc is a warrior  dedicated to his role as a Lightmaster. Once I got to know what he was about, I admired his boldness and courage. In the Otherworld I was just winging it. Each bizarre challenge forced me to protect myself at any cost. I especially enjoyed meeting, Gwendolyn, Lady of the Emerald Pond.

McSwain nudged Beck in the ribs to let him know she had a question.

McSwain: Feeling like an outcast, did it empower you to deal with them in such a bold way?

Jessica: Sure did. I also have a fiery temper when provoked. I do my best to avoid bullies since I know deep down they’re hurting inside. Sometimes, you just have to face them head on.

 McSwain:  You run into many unusual, and interesting characters on your way to becoming a Lightmaster. Without giving the plot away, what was the most exciting part of your magical adventure?

Jessica: Shape-shifting into a mermaid was very weird.

Also when my Grandparents and  I entered an altered dream state together. Here, I discovered my Granmother was a Blue Dragon,

 I a Firebird,

And my Granfather a Blue Whale…


The lessons I learned from Lightmasters Dragateen and Oja were incredible. They taught me to believe in the power of my thoughts and how magical they can be when properly used. Oja taught me how to become invisible using my thoughts, and this was the most awesome experience.

Beck: That’s friggin’ awesome!!!

McSwain: Now, let’s get down to the part of the interview that Cody has been excited to know. As a wannabe filmmaker, Cody views stories as they would appear on the big screen. He lives for movies. Lightmasters: Number 13 has very vivid and colorful descriptions. If you could have anyone you wanted to turn your story into a feature film, what director(s) immediately come to mind from movies you’ve seen on the big screen?

Jessica:  Hey Cody. Some directors I like are Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Frank Darabont, Alfonso Cuarón,  Ron Howard, Ridley Scott and Steven Spielberg, in no particular order.


McSwain: Harry Potter was such a success on the big screen since the actors selected to portray the characters were appropriately cast. If you had your choice of actresses to audition for the role of Jessica T. Wyrd, who would you select to play yourself, your grandparents and the infamous, Dragateen?

Jessica: Oh, wow that’s a cool question. I admire the talented, Irish actress Saoirse Ronan and believe she’d be great playing me.

I’d love to see Anthony Hopkins play my Grandfather

 and Miriam Margolyes  play my Grandmother.

 Also, for the Kind, Mystical Dragateen, Keanu Reeves woudl be GREAT!

 Of course, I’m open to suggestions.  There’s so much talent out there, it’s mind-blowing to pick just one.

Sydney:  Well, those are some excellent suggestions. Okay, Jessica, here comes the million-dollar question. There’s a rumor going around that there may be a sequel to Lightmasters: Number 13. Is that true? If so, do you have any cool information about the new adventure you can share with us? Or is it top secret information only Lightmasters are privy to?

Jessica: Yes, M.G. has been working on Lightmasters: The Gate. I can’t give away all the juicy details. I will be traveling to Egypt with my friend, Cleopatra Quinn, and her family this summer.

I’m so excited about going there. It’s always been a dream of mine.  That’s all I can share for now. It was fun getting to know you, Sydney McSwain and Cody Beck. Maybe we can hook up some time and share some of our wild experiences!

McSwain & Beck: We would love that!

Here are the links to all thinks Lightmasters: Number 13. Stop by and introduce yourself to the creator, M.G. Wells. Just make to tell her McSwain & Beck sent you. 🙂

US Amazon

UK Amazon

Lightmasters: Number 13




Writes fictional stories depicting strong females as heroes...

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171 comments on “McSwain and Beck interview the star of Lightmasters: Number 13, JESSICA T. WYRD
  1. I enjoyed that interview between book characters…..very unique idea! And it certainly was a successful interest grabber!

  2. Kim stapf says:

    What a cool way to interview. I really enjoyed reading this. A movie would be awesome on this book. The characters are so colorful they would be phenomenal on screen. I can’t get over the way this interview was done. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

    • Thanks, Kim. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for all your support ღ

    • Thanks, Kim you are certainly a shining light in Jessica’s world. She thinks you’re the greatest and wishes you were her mother. She also believes you can help the Old Dragbooger cook better since you have a green thumb. Grandfather Wyrd sends his best as well and says, “Enjoy the day, lassie.” Be well and thanks for your support ƸӁƷ

      • Kim Stapf says:

        Tell Jessica I think she would be a wonderful daughter. Yes I certainly can show the old Dragbooger a few tips on cooking. Tell Granpa Wyrd I said hello and good health.

  3. What a great interview, love the way it was done. McSwain&Beck have come up with a brilliant layout. It is totally fun to read. Of course it was a hit with LIGHTMASTERS and M.G WELLS anyway. Imagine a movie! I totally agree this book would be a great movie with all its colorful characters. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

    • Yes, McSwain & Beck are awesome characters. Thanks for sharing time from you day to comment. Wishing you much peace and prosperity ღ

    • Kim Stapf says:

      Happy 4th Jessica! 6 more days left to your contest is over, Good luck. Tell torc to be nice!

      • Jessica and the LIGHTMASTERS wish you all the best, Kim. Torc says he’s trying to tone it down. He’s a warrior on the outside and a marshmallow once you get to know him ♥

      • Kim Stapf says:

        Hi Jessica, 5 more days and some lucky person will be the owner of your story. Are you ready for a new home?

      • Kim Stapf says:

        Morning Jessica. How would you like your eggs this morning? I can teach old Dragbooger how to cook eggs. Have a great weekend.

      • Kim Stapf says:

        WOW! Look at all theses comments! I’m so happy for Jessica and the whole LIGHTMASTERS gang.. Wishing you all a great weekend. Big HUGS M.G. What a great success this is, so happy for you.

      • Hi Kim! Jessica likes scrambled eggs cooked in butter and appreciates that you care about her. She doubts anyone can teach the Old Dragonbooger to cook. She’s tried. Jessica wanted me to tell you she hopes you’re the lucky winner! She believes you are the best friend a peep can have and would like to meet you one day soon ¸.✿´ ` *✿.¸¸.✿

      • Kim Stapf says:

        I’d love to be the winner Jesscia, Thank you for wishing that. I’ll take good care of you if I win. Wishing you and M.G. And the LIGHTMASTERS a wonderful journey. Till your in my shelf.

      • Kim Stapf says:

        You sure are popular Jessica! 3 days left, are you ready?

      • Kim Stapf says:

        Today is the day Jessica! Are you excited, I sure am. The LIGHTMASTERS get a new home today. M.G must be excited. What a ride this has been for the LIGHTMASTERS. Big success, I’m so happy for you both. Maybe you’ll be on my shelf. Take care LIGHTMASTERS team where ever you go.

      • Hi Jessica, Don’t know if you heard but I WON! LIGHTMASTERS signed by M.G WELLS is mine. MINE! YES! Welcome to your new home.

  4. Neat, neat blog !! where do all them ideas flow from? give me a pipeline into that lot … cheers .. seumas :):)

  5. How fun! Would love to like it, but I’m a blogspot girl…but I tweeted it 🙂

  6. HA! I love it! Shows the dimension of the characters themselves. Great work!

  7. SO MUCH FUN!!! I am so happy I got to meet these fine young peeps!! This will be on me feed in Tweeterville!! Thanks! Might as well put my name on that copy!!

  8. Dan M. says:

    Great interview! Clever way to introduce the characters!

  9. Sheila says:

    Oh wow, very creative! I love it! 🙂

  10. CR HIATT says:

    Don’t go gettin’ all cocky there, Douglas Wickard. I just may win that autographed copy for myself. I match your tweet, and raise you a double. 🙂

  11. Awesome interview!!

  12. Rebecca says:

    WOW!!!!! This was wonderful!!!!!!!!

  13. CutieCassie says:

    McSwain and Beck rock! Sounds like you do, too, Jessica! Cool interview.

  14. Wonderful interview! I already have the digital version of this book, but I wanted to tell you how great the interview was! I just can’t wait to read the book!

  15. Absolutely loved the interview. Very unique and entertaining. Oh, by the way, I have the blue dragon pictured in this interview in my dragon collection. I have it on top of a display cabinet in the living room.

  16. tanja1986 says:

    That’s a wonderful interview! Amazing also the actor choosing! For my book I would love to see Anthony Hopkins as evil guy 😉 Keanu Reeves is just wonderful! I love him in Matrix and Constantine! 🙂


  17. Dawn Torrens says:

    Wow! What an excellent interview! I can see this being a great film. So original fabulous idea I loved the Mermaid wish I could shape shift! Any tips Jessica please? I have read this amazing book and I can see great things happening for the wonderful MG WELLS indeed! I can imagine how wonderful the actual book is. A truly amazing blog and such a great idea 🙂

  18. Betty Dravis says:

    Thanks for inviting me to read this awesome interview, M.G.! As others aid, this is a fun, exciting reading adventure. Cool idea to have your characters choose their directors and cast too. I have a few more directors and cast in mind for mine.

    A great touch using pics of these famous choices, also.

    Wonderful morning reading adventure…and the art is dynamite!

    Heart Hugs – Betty Dravis

    • Thanks, Betty, for sharing your time and comments. You’re as awesome as your books! I appreciate your support ღ

    • Betty, Jessica thinks you’re cool. She asked me to ask you if you have any cooking advice for her grandmother, who can barely cook an egg. She admires you as an author and loving, generous person. Jessica and all the LIGHTMASTERS agree you are a kind, loving lady and wish you all the best ❤

  19. Elise Stokes says:

    My gosh, that was fun!! Nice job, ladies. 🙂

  20. Jane Isaac says:

    What a cool interview and great fun! Love the originality:)

  21. Mysti Parker says:

    Wow, that was neat! Best of luck with this, and happy to be having you on my blog soon 🙂

  22. It’s so unusual for a character to be interviewed rather than the author – GENIUS!! I was looking forward to reading the book before this, but now I can’t wait to finish the one I’m on. This is definitely going to be the next book I read!!
    Great job, everyone!

    • Thanks so much for sharing your time, Carlie. Thanks for always being there to support me. Love you lots ƸӜƷ

    • Hi Carlie, Jessica and the LIGHTMASTERS find you quite mysterious and would like to know more about you if you wish to share. Jessica is especially taken with you picture and wonders if you have have special powers.

      • Hi MG, I’m flattered that Jessica and the LIGHTMASTERS would like to know more about me and I’m quite happy to share. I can give you my blog address which has an ‘About Me’ page or they can ask me questions through here or Facebook. I’m glad Jessica likes my picture and yes I do have special powers! I wonder if Jessica can guess what they are…
        I’ll tell you what’s another possibility, I could give MG my email address so Jessica and the LightMasters can ask whatever they want to that might not be covered elsewhere. What does Jessica think of that?
        Well, here’s by blog address so she can start learning a little about me:
        Perhaps you’ll let me know, MG, whatelse Jessica and the LightMasters would like to know and whether she can guess my special powers.
        Love Carlie xo

  23. Hey MG and McSwain and Beck! I loved this interview! Very creative, sweet ladies of literature. I hope you both sell lots of books.

    • CB, Thanks for taking your time in-between gigs to comment. We appreciate your support honky-tonk brother! BIG HUGS. And BTW, When will you be getting that NEW GUITAR?…(((*~*)))…Thanks, Darlin’!

    • Hi CB, Jessica has always admired musicians and finds your music very exciting. The Old Dragonbooger thinks your handsome, and Grandfather Wyrd likes your songs. They’re all routing for ya!

  24. Erin C. says:

    Very cool interview! Thanks for sharing the characters with us. Look forward to reading all about Jessica.

  25. Loved the interview! Jessica is a great character! And I love the fantasy cast 🙂

  26. Awesome givaway! glad to be a part of it 🙂 :p

  27. Bea Kylene Jumarang says:

    I always love it when characters in books come to life through interviews. Imagine how great the world would be if people like Hannibal Lecter, Harry Potter or maybe even Mr. Darcy would agree to be interviewed, right?

    Jessica is a great character, born from an equally amazing author, so congrats, MG.

    PS. If Anthony Hopkins ends up as Grandpa, sign me up for the movie!

    • Jessica and I thank you, Bea, for sharing your time and inspiring words. Best wishes to you!

    • Bea, Jessica wants to know more about you. She thinks you’re very generous and supportive. She also asked me to ask you if you can teach her grandmother: AKA: The Old Dragonbooger, how to cook. Grandfather Wyrd believes you have all the makings of a fine Lightmaster indeed.

      • Bea Kylene Jumarang says:

        I can definitely teach Grandma to cook. Swedish food, maybe? And as for Grandpa Wyrd, I wanna say thank you for that comment. Additionally, on the subject of Wyrd – thank you for that sort of name. Wyrd represents a very deep concept in Norse mythology, which I love! Best wishes to all of you and regards always!

  28. Wonderful interview Jessica!
    We are truly kindred spirits… and be sure to tell MG I’m anxiously waiting for the next LIGHTMASTERS adventure!
    Have a great day… from deep in the heart of Kentucky (for at least 6 more days).
    Marilyn 😉

  29. Awesome interview! What a cute idea ❤ Fingers Crossed for that signed copy of Lightmasters!

  30. This was such a fun interview with Jessica and McSwain & Beck all together. What a great idea! I loved Lightmasters 13 and can’t wait for the sequel!

  31. Great Interview: also I enjoyed your book. Keep up the good work.

  32. Hi – I want to take a moment to give thanks to MG Wells, the creator of Jessica T. Wyrd in Lightmasters: Number 13. It was awesome of her to stop by and allow McSwain & Beck to spend some time with Jessica. It was great getting to know her.

    As the host of the interview, I wanted to give MG the opportunity to respond to each of you, but I also wanted to thank you, as well. Your support is very much appreciated.

    Creator of McSwain & Beck

    • Thank You, CR, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to Interview Jessica. She’s one of your biggest fans and cannot wait to see what Sydney and Cody are up to next! Jessica feels Cody’s full of biscuits and gravy sometimes. I believe she has a crush on him. Jessica tells me she admires Sydney’s courage and looks up to her like the big sister she always wanted. Jessica, the Old Dragonbooger and Blubberbelly think your the coolest, CR. Your kindness and generosity are tremendously valued by us all.

      MG WELLS
      Creator of LIGHTMASTERS: Number 13

      • Jessica – Cody IS full of biscuits and gravy sometimes. He uses his pranks and charm to worm his way into the hearts of everyone. Looks like you might also be under his spell. 🙂 Sydney would be honored to have you as a sister. That big ole firehouse gets lonely now that her mom is gone. Of course, if the two of us decided to have a day of fun, Cody would undoubtedly sneak up on us and pull something. But, there would be some fun getting even. It was great having the interview, and it looks like it’s a big winner with the crowd, too. We might have to shake things up more often. 🙂

      • Jessica hopes she gets to meet Sydney one day. She admires her very much. Jessica wants Cody to know that whatever prank he pulls, she’ll find a way to surprise him 🙂

  33. Kim Stapf says:

    What a great way to interview! I had such fun reading this. M.G is the best. You brought LIGHTMASTERS into a new realm with this brilliant idea of a giveaway. Good luck to you and M.G with your promo. BTW, I’m going to win. LOL! Your books sound fascinating, on Tbr list.

    • Thanks so much, Kim. MG, Jessica, McSwain & Beck, and of course, I, had fun putting it together. I think readers love to know what actors the author had in mind (if any), when writing the book. Oh, and I think you might have some competition in winning that paperback of Lightmasters: Number 13.

      Thanks for all you kind words.

      CR HIATT

    • Thanks, Kim you are certainly a shining light in Jessica’s world. She thinks you’re the greatest and wishes you were her mother. She also believes you can help the Old Dragbooger cook better since you have a green thumb. Grandfather Wyrd sends his best as well and says, “Enjoy the day, lassie.” Be well and thanks for your support ƸӁƷ

  34. Penelope Crowe says:

    Love this idea!
    Great to meet the characters.
    This was great fun–LIGHTMASTERS sounds awesome 🙂

  35. This has gotten a huge response, Congratz MG 🙂 Character Interviews are still very new to me but I really enjoyed reading this one….btw keanu reeves is HOT!!

  36. Awesome interview!!!! LIGHTMASTERS is such a wonderful read, I know it will be flying off all shelves both real and cyber for years to come!

    • Thanks, Debbie, for your endless generosity and support ❤ Jessica feels you’re one of the best and kindest friends. Grandfather Wyrd thinks you’re lovely too, and the Old Dragonbooger would like to send you some of her cookies. If she does, you may want to toss them. They’re horrible!

  37. marthabourke says:

    What a terrific spin on the more typical character interview. Clearly a fantastic and unique interview format for helping readers get to know your characters, MG! Fantastic!

    • Thanks, Martha. The Concept for the Interview came from the talented mind of talented Author, CR HIATT. We appreciate your support very much. Jessica wants to know what it’s like for Maya to shapeshift? Of course, Grandfather Wyrd thinks you’re as sweet as can be.

      • marthabourke says:

        Well, Jessica, and this is only based on what Maya has told me. When she phases into Balam the Jaguar, her guiding spirit, it feels like freedom. And to Grandfather Wyrd, a huge hug! ♥

    • Martha, Jessica wants to know how it feels like for Maya to shapeshift into a jaguar. She’s feels very connected to her. Grandfather Wyrd thinks your a sweetheart, and the Old Dragonbooger thinks Maya is very brave.

  38. sacredbander says:

    Very clever, different, and enjoyable.. Great work as always, MG. — TT

    • Thanks, SacredBander (TT), For your support. Jessica is very interested to know how you manged to united so many talented writers in your LAWYERS IN HELL book.

      • sacredbander says:

        Thanks for your comment. The Heroes in Hell books have always been invitational. And we always have debut writers in the Hell series — some with their first published work; some with their first published short. Some writers were recruited for Lawyers based on their comments that we saw on FB to a range of subjects, many from the Sacred Band page, since people who can read and enjoy at the level of TSB have many of the skills necessary to write for hell, although all are not writers. Some came through friends. Some are long-time friends whose talent never disappoints us. And we are still watching for people on FB and in what we read elsewhere who display the combination of qualities and education necessary to write for the Hell series. Hell’s population is always fluid…

      • Thanks for sharing, SacredBander (TT), and Jessica and I look forward to the next book. Wishing you much success ❤

  39. Currently reading the book, it is a truly engaging story and I’m enjoying it very much. Great interview, surprisingly enjoyable after reading the sometimes downright boring interviews with the same old questions. Well done!

    • Thanks, Erika, for your sharing your kind comments. Jessica is extremely interested in your expansive knowledge of health and your fantasy HUN series. She asked me if you have any advice to help her Grandmother, the Old Dragonbooger to be a better cook. Of course, Grandfather Wyrd believes you having all the makings of being a LIGHTMASTER.

      • Haha! Although I love Grandma (her character got me hooked when I started reading the book) I can’t help her to become a better cook. I’m all thumbs in the kitchen. I’m up to chapter four, so no spoilers for me please, I’m hoping to read more dialogs between Grandma and Grandpa and to find out if I really qualify to be a Lightmaster as Grandpa says:)

  40. Okay, that’s it MG. After reading Jessica’s terrific interview and getting to know her a bit, I’ve shelved some weekend plans to finally get still and read her adventure. I’m also going to gift it to my 14 year-old niece whose recently been struggling over the fact that she’s never met her dad; although he lives a mere 5 miles from her. Jessica sounds like a strong, courageous gal and maybe “Lightmasters 13” will help fortify her.

    • Thanks, Donna. I appreciate your support and your kind words ♥ Wishing peace and prosperity following you….ALWAYS…MG ♥ BTW, Jessica thinks your the best friend ever, and I agree ♥ Jessica tells me that she hopes your niece gets to meet her father one day soon and can relate to her struggle ♥

      • Right back at you MG! Your excellent karma will take you a very long way indeed my friend. :0) Now I’ve just got to figure out a way to get Jordan (my niece) to read that Jessica herself reached out to her! Thanks for that. (By the way, I’m on chapter 10.)

      • Thanks, Donna! I appreciate your support and kind,generous words ❤ Jessica wants Jordan to know that she wishes that all her dreams come true ❤ Jessica suggests you text, email or post the link to this page on Jordan’s facebook page ❤ Jessica says the old farts send their regards and send you and Jordan BIG HUGS. ❤

  41. GREAT POST!!! Loved it! I already have your book and love it too! Thanks, Emily Guido

  42. Jessica reminded me alot of my niece, who sadly at the moment is living with her grandparents. She is fiesty, caring, lovable and brave. I think I may share this book with her. She needs some light in her life, and I think this book would be perfect for her. It is one of those stories all children hope will come true….I mean, I want the Mortal Instrument/Infernal Devices series world to be real lol! just a big kid at heart 😛

  43. sacredbander says:

    Great job, great book. Get it now… jem

  44. Thabie says:

    I don’t remember being that bubbly and talkative at 13, I enjoyed reading that! 🙂

    • THANKS for your support, Thabie. Me, Jessica, her Gassy Grandparents and the LIGHTMASTERS ALL Wish you a FANTASTIC BIRTHDAY filled with lots of love and smiles ❥✫..•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ

  45. Maria says:

    What a brilliant interview, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, MG Wells is such a wonderful person and an outstanding writer!!

  46. Get site. I sure hope I win. IRS my time to be lucky and win a great book. #luv2read

  47. Sure hope I win this great sounding book. Great site. It’s my time to be lucky and win.

  48. Okay, the giveaway has ended, and the comments and tweets have been counted. The two lucky recipients of Lightmasters: Number 13 are… Douglas Wickard and Kim Stapf. Congratulations to the lucky winners! All you have to do is forward your mailing information to @MG_Wells and she will send you the signed copy.

    Thank you to everyone for participating and commenting. This post was a lot of fun!!!

    McSwain & Beck

  49. Kim Stapf says:

    This was fun. It all started with your awesome interview. I enjoyed being part of this. Thank you McSwain& Beck. This is one of my favorite blogs. I still can’t believe I won. Thanks again.

  50. I love that interview. I’ve done an interview with a character before… my beloved Silver who I would just take home and keep locked in the bedroom if I could, but the idea of having a character interviewed by other characters is fabulous. I loved the interview and I am so going to read the book.

  51. Karen s burns says:

    Would like to read your books

  52. Dana Griffin says:

    Sydney and Cody, I came to this party late, but I too enjoyed this interview. It’s always interesting to learn of others through teenagers point of view. Good job sleuthing out this interview.

    Jessica, your one interesting character. Where were you when I was thirteen? I’d be following every light beam to see if I had the adventures you do.

    Great interview.

  53. WOW! I’m so grateful for ALL the lovely, supportive comments and to CR. This was her idea. Thanks to my awesome friends!

  54. Amazing book great read for all ages.

  55. MG WELLS says:

    And I had so much FUN ALL Because of YOU! Thanks, CR! You’re the Best! (((HUGS))…I Know U May FEEL It’s Stupid..This Was One of the Greatest Interviews….EVER! Love U lots :O)

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